All as usual, I was seen very quickly and I saw the doctor immediately. She examined me to see if there were any changes in the breast. My scars are quite inflamed and the breasts a bit red, but it was both of them. I have bruising on my sides coming out, both sides so it's not due to the current treatment, it's an after effect of the surgery.
Then I got a surprise (a nice one for a change). The doctor said that she advised me to go on a cure for three weeks after the radiotherapy has finished at the Roche Posay spa in Poitiers, which would help me get full moblity in my arm, reduce and treat the scarring and treat and reduce any effects any burns that I might be getting, get me back in shape and basically cheer me up so I feel better and back on my feet.
You might be wondering, yes well that would be nice and the cost? Well, this was the good, no, great, news, that the all the treatments, 40% of my accommodation, my train ticket would be paid for by the social security. Writing this still makes me cry, I feel so happy that there is something nice that's going to happen afer all this, that there's a chance my body will feel, if not right again, but much better. Done with the pain in the scars, my arm, breasts, shoulders and my skin will be beautiful again. This is the light of the tunnel, I can feel human again.
The cure is for a minimum of 3 weeks so I'm hoping that the children and dh will be able to come for at least a week of it. We'll have to try to plan it around the school holidays if we can. This has given me the hope that all will be well in the end and that there will be a rest when this has all finished. I'll have leafed through this brochure a million times before it all happens!
Today I am grateful for: guess!
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