Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Radiotherapy # 31, 2 to go

I can feel my spirits rising and the energy coming back now the end is in sight; I feel like I can start to breathe easy.  A friend invited us round on Friday for a celebration party for the end of my radiotherapy.  I was extremely touched and will be excited on Friday to share a takeaway Chinese meal and drink champagne.

I was seen pretty quickly despite being late again due to GG having other obligations again.  Whilst waiting though, the fantastic Ligue Contre Le Cancer came around again and gave out tea and biscuits.  They really are fantastic and make the experience much more bearable.

I saw one radiologist that I hadn't seen for a week or so, the one that was there when I was crying in the treatment room.  She kissed me a happy new year and said it was much nicer to see me smiling and we talked about why I was sad at that time.  I asked her about treatments in the future and was it true that one can only do radiotherapy once in a lifetime.  She said normally, yes but it depended on the dose received already; there could be a top up but otherwise, other treatments would be used.  So, if the cancer comes back I'd have to have chemotherapy and wouldn't get radiotherapy again.  But hey!  Let's hope it's gone!

Managed to make an appointment for the complete gynecological check up and ovarian/pelvic echographie.  The secretary was not impressed that the oncologist wanted me to have an appointment so quickly, so she gave me one in a week.  Not that fast eh?  I have to do the hormone blood test nil by mouth so I'll go along on Thursday.

I picked up the children from school so they could eat at home for lunch and then I went to work.  I needed a lot of energy to keep the enthusiasm going today.

Things I'm grateful for today:

My friend organising our little celebration, the warmth of the radiotherapist and the cup of mint tea.

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