Wednesday, 9 October 2013

2 inspirations today

Thank you to the person who sent me, anonymously, a book called 'Fighting Cancer from Within'.  I was grateful and look forward to reading it.

Thanks also to S who delivered a pork roast with all the trimmings and sauce for dinner and said that she and a group of other women had thought of me when they were doing the Odyssea run last week in Vincennes, just round the corner from us.

She said that there must have been a wave of pink t shirts visible from space - I see that there were
32 000 participants this time.  I rashly said that I'd like to be the person doing that race next year (hey only the 5km, let's not get too ambitious, the 10k can wait).  I know it's a bit stereotypical, someone who's had bc (let's hope it's gone in a year) donning a pink t shirt and running but I had started running in July in a hope that I could do the Parisienne for Breast Cancer before all this crap happened, but then I found a lump in August and it all went to pot.

It's certain that I'm going to have to get fitter if only so my boobs are larger than my muffin top (and we are nowhere near right now which is causing me so much upset and making me feel really deformed), so why not have an aim, as S said it's not a bad thing to have an aim is it?. Well, let's see how this all goes......I have to get out of the house first.

It was very nice to be thought about though.

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